Some. Assembly. Required.

Someday, you’re all invited over to my place so I can cook for you. I have to assemble this damn behemoth first, though.


It shouldn’t take too long. There are only 18 steps in the assembly instructions. Of course step 9 is:

First, remove the two screws and lock washers factory attached to the sideburner valve bracket. Position sideburner valve bracket beneath sideburner shelf fascia so that valve stem comes through larger center hole in fascia. Align the holes on valve bracket with left and right holes on fascia. Secure using lock washers and screws that were removed from bracket. Next, place sideburner bezel over valve stem on front side of fascia. Align small holes on bezel with upper and lower holes on fascia. Attach using two #8-32×3/8″ screws and 4mm lock washers. Press sideburner control knob onto valve stem.

There are 3 illustrations with two “Notes” and 8 callouts for this one step.

I love putting stuff together. Really. I do.

Update: Well, 4 hours later and it is done. I know I could buy one of the pre-assembled ones from the hardware store, but now I know that every screw, nut and bolt are on there exactly the way they’re supposed to be. Complaints? I had to practically re-tap every one of the receiver holes for all the bolts, and there is quite a bit of the enamel chipped off of the small rack that sits over the main grill (at the back). I’ll be calling CharBroil and letting them know about both of these.

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3 Responses to Some. Assembly. Required.

  1. I think its great CharBroil mixed the SAE #8-32×3/8 screws and metric 4mm lock washers. That way you’re truly international, like unicode.

    Just remember any leftover parts were just extras. What’s the worst that could happen?

  2. Daniel says:

    In what could be considered the ultimate of cruel irony, as I was looking in the assembly guide for the part number of the warming rack that I need to get replaced, I saw this at the bottom of the page: “Estimated Assembly Time: 30-45 minutes” HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

  3. carroll says:

    All that tells me is that you didn’t have the right tools – need more – preferably with power.

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